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Schedule of Services

Join Our Community

There are many opportunities to help with worship services. We are always recruiting ushers, liturgists, liturgical dancers, and tech people to operate the laptop during the Sunday morning service.  If you are interested in joining the usher team, please contact Jeni Weber, our head usher. If you are interested in being a liturgist, or joining the tech team, please contact the office. Please contact Keithia Kirkaldy if you are interested in the liturgical dance team. We also enjoy coffee hour and fellowship following the Sunday morning service in the Moss Hall. If you are interested in providing refreshments and/or supplies for this, please contact the office.

Adult Bible Study

Come join us in learning more about the scriptures and their meanings. Our Pastor leads an adult Bible study in his office on Wednesday mornings at 10:30. Call the office for more information.

Image by Rod Long

Sunday School

Childcare is provided in our Sunday school building for all children ages newborn-12. All children begin in church with their families and then after our children’s message they leave with the teachers to attend Sunday school. You then pick them up when the service is over. We have a loving nursery worker for babies-5yrs old. On the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of each month, we have All-In-One-Sunday school for ages 6-12. The 1st and 5th Sundays are devoted to crafts and play with the option to participate in communion on the 1st Sunday.


Sunday Morning Service

Our Sunday Morning Traditional Worship Service begins at 10:30. We serve communion on the 1st Sunday of every month. The United Methodist Church practices open communion, which means all who enter and wish to become closer to God are welcome to partake. Loving childcare is available during the service. There is a time to visit with each other and share a light snack immediately following the service in the Moss Hall.


Sunday. Evening Service

Our Sunday Evening Non-Traditional Worship Service is from 6-7pm. This is a more informal, intimate worship setting with praise music and sharing our joys and concerns during prayer time. All are welcome. There is no childcare at this time.


Tongan Language Fellowship Service

Our Tongan brothers and sisters meet at 1PM the 2-5th Sundays of the month to worship in their native language. All are welcome. There is no childcare at this time. On the 1st Sunday of the month, they join the 10:30 Sunday morning service to celebrate communion.

Schedule of Services: Join Us
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